Welcome to SunDEX

At SunDEX, we are committed to revolutionizing the way you engage with decentralized finance (DeFi). Welcome to a world where financial transactions are borderless, secure, and efficient, putting you in control of your assets like never before.

Swap and Trade

Effortlessly exchange assets with our user-friendly swapping interface. Trade with confidence on the SunDEX platform.

Liquidity Pools

Contribute to liquidity pools and earn passive income. SunDEX facilitates a thriving ecosystem for liquidity providers.

Security First

Your assets are your priority, and they are ours too. SunDEX employs state-of-the-art security measures to safeguard your funds and data.

Decentralized Excellence

SunDEX thrives on decentralization, ensuring your financial activities are secure, transparent, and intermediary-free.


SunDEX (SDX) tokenomics is intricately designed to foster a thriving decentralized ecosystem. With a total supply of 11,000,000 SDX, our commitment to transparency and security is evident in the distribution strategy, where 50% is allocated to the initial token sale, 20% to liquidity pools, 15% to the team and advisors, 10% to ecosystem development, and 5% to community incentives. SDX holders wield governance power, influencing protocol decisions, while staking options and transaction fee rewards create a dynamic and engaging environment.

Exchange Listings
Liquidity Pool
Advisors & Partnerships


Foundation (Q1 - Q2 2024)

Phase 1

  • Assemble core team and launch initial token sale.
  • Develop and audit SDX smart contracts.
  • Start SunDEX platform development, emphasizing UI and DEX functionalities.
  • Initiate community building and strategic partnerships.
Foundation (Q1 - Q2 2024)

Platform Launch and Expansion (Q3 - Q4 2024)

Phase 2

  • Release beta for testing, refine based on feedback, and officially launch SunDEX.
  • Integrate liquidity pools and staking programs.
  • Begin developing a mobile application for enhanced accessibility.
  • Activate community governance features for SDX holders.
Platform Launch and Expansion (Q3 - Q4 2024)

Marketing & Partnership (Q1 - Q2 2025)

Phase 3

  • 1000,000 holders
  • 50M+ market cap
  • V2 website
  • Listing on major CEX platforms
  • Airdrop
Marketing & Partnership (Q1 - Q2 2025)

Marketing & Partnership Strategies(Q3 2025)​

Phase 4

  • oster community growth through events, AMAs, and social media.
  • Develop compelling content to educate and engage the community.
  • Leverage various platforms for maximum reach.
  • Collaborate with other projects for mutually beneficial promotions.
Marketing & Partnership Strategies(Q3 2025)​

NFT & Giveaway (Q4 2025)

Phase 5

  • NFT Marketplace
  • Giveaway 1 Million Dollars
  • NFT & Token Staking
  • Listing on More exchanges
NFT & Giveaway (Q4 2025)


SunDEX is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform built on blockchain technology. SDX is the native utility token that powers the SunDEX ecosystem, providing users with access to decentralized exchange features, governance rights, and various incentives within the platform.

To participate in SunDEX governance, simply hold SDX tokens. SDX holders can propose and vote on protocol upgrades, feature implementations, and other governance decisions, giving the community a direct say in the platform’s development.

SunDEX prioritizes the security of user assets. Our smart contracts undergo rigorous third-party audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, we employ industry best practices and continuously monitor and update our security protocols to safeguard user funds and data.

Users can earn rewards on SunDEX through various avenues. Participate in liquidity pools by providing assets and earning fees, stake SDX tokens to receive additional rewards, and stay engaged with the community to benefit from ongoing incentive programs. The platform is designed to reward active and supportive participants.

Yes, SunDEX is committed to enhancing user accessibility. While the platform initially launches on web browsers, our development roadmap includes the creation of a mobile application. This mobile app will provide users with a seamless and user-friendly experience on their smartphones, ensuring access to decentralized finance on the go.

Truststness & Security

100% Secured – To ensure token contract security and compliance, The Enterapp Token smart contract was audited twice by two firms: Certik and Secure Block. Further, Counos Platform has certified the Team KYC.

At SunDEX, we are committed to revolutionizing the way you engage with decentralized finance (DeFi). Welcome to a world where financial transactions are borderless, secure, and efficient, putting you in control of your assets like never before.

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